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3 min read
Mercy Me
I think I first understood the concept of mercy the last week of my high school chemistry class. From the first day of that class I hated...

3 min read
When Your Plans get Sidetracked
When I got my teaching credential years ago, I never pictured myself teaching elementary school students. However, that’s what happened...

4 min read
Feeling Rammed with Finances?
Years ago when Craig proposed to me, I was a senior in college, and he was a first-year law school student. One of the crazy, random...

2 min read
Hearing Better in 2021
“She has a mind of her own.” That was what I heard my mom say about me as a child. And what does that mean? At the best, determined,...

4 min read
Word of the Year, Part 1
“Words, words, words,” Hamlet says in the library scene of Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. Often played with humor, Shakespeare’s scene helps...

3 min read
Need Some Christmas Grace?
I found a cute pair of salt and pepper shakers at our new antiques store in Loyalton–Lombardi Mercantile. I might have overlooked them...

3 min read
Church is not the Foundation
A little reflection on the 50th anniversary this week of my faith commitment. I was raised going to church in Hudson in upstate New...

3 min read
From Nothing to Something
“Words. Words. Words.” A famous line spoken by Hamlet–one of my favorite lines from Shakespeare. Words fascinate me. How can something...

3 min read
Enduring for a Season
In our son’s sophomore year of high school, he had knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus and torn cartilage. The timing worked out,...

2 min read
You Can do This
Does your life look like a shipwreck right now? Maybe you’re sick or your loved ones are. Maybe you’ve lost someone dear to you. Maybe...

2 min read
The Oxymoronic Prayer
When I taught high school English, Romeo and Juliet provided many an example of the oxymoron–a short figure of speech that has...

2 min read
How do you say Grace?
I am betting more people than normal will be using the word “grace” this week. “Will you say the grace?” After all, some kind of giving...

2 min read
When the Power Goes Out
Yesterday I was in such a funk. Because of winds up to 70 mph, the power went off around 10:30 in the morning and remained off all day...

2 min read
When you Need a Time Out
Do you feel you need a time out? As though you’re in a fast-paced game and there’s no break in sight for a rest? For direction? For...

2 min read
Finding that Comfy Spot
Do you have a comfy chair for relaxing and reading or even writing? Years ago several writer friends and I drove to Reno for the day to...

2 min read
Finding that Elusive Peace
Christmas is coming, and as I find myself making a Christmas list for my immediate family of 20, plus other family and friends, I...

3 min read
Always the Answer
was thinking about the typical kid sayings the other day when I took four of the grandkiddos to the dentist. It was a day of . . . Five...

3 min read
Quenching my Thirst
I live in the largest alpine valley in North America: the Sierra Valley. At about 5,000 feet in elevation, the Sierra Valley is...

1 min read
Finding November Love
I never thought much of November when I was younger: all rainy and blowy and . . . plain. November strips away all of October’s pretty...

2 min read
Finding Hope
Hope: n. desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment I can have hope for a good future because I trust God. I do not...
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