Where are your comfort zone places?
The same meal at the same restaurant? The same doctor? The same daily routines?
I like my comfort zones. You know what to expect, right?
However, sometimes those zones aren’t really places of comfort.
Your comfort foods might actually begin to make you feel uncomfortable as you gain weight and begin to have health problems.
A job might become unbearable or simply unchallenging.
A relationship might become toxic . . . and perhaps it always was, but somewhere you lost sight of that fact as you slipped into its familiarity.
And then tension arises inside of you as change appears on the horizon. I certainly experienced that more than once before I needed to change jobs.
The Lord told the Israelites after years and years of wanderings, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain” (Deut. 1:6).
Perhaps he is now saying that to you. Perhaps it’s time for a change. Perhaps you have stayed long enough and now have the mindset and fortitude to move forward out of pain or frustration or simply boredom and laziness into a better life. Change is one decision away.
Whatever your situation, God will be with you as you move off the mountain into the milk-and-honey land ahead.
And if you need prayer, I will pray for you.
Janet McHenry is an award-winning speaker and the author of 24 books, including the bestselling PrayerWalk and her newest, The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus. She would LOVE to be considered as the speaker for your next event.
More about #prayer, #prayerwalking and #PrayerSpeaker: www.janetmchenry.com
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